Player Code of Conduct
The Orono Youth Hockey Association has established a Code of Conduct that carries a significant message regarding the appropriate conduct of players in sports. Before taking part in our program, players are required to carefully read, comprehend, and sign this document.

To participate during the 2023-2024 Orono Youth Hockey Association (“OYHA”) season, I, _____________________________________________ agree to the following Code of Conduct:
I understand that:
1. It is a privilege, not a right, to play youth hockey.
2. Sportsmanship and fair play are essential to the sport of hockey and are critical to my development as a player.
3. Adherence to all OYHA, District 3, Minnesota Hockey and USA Hockey rules and codes of conduct are critical to my success.
4. Any player who cannot abide by these rules or violates them will be subject to disciplinary action.
Because I understand the above, I agree to the following Player Code of Conduct:
1. I will respect and adhere to all rules and Code of Conduct of the OYHA, District 3, Minnesota Hockey and USA Hockey.
2. I will follow and adhere to Safe Sport Rules and OYHA’s Locker Room Policies and I will report any violations of either policy to my coach or team manager.
3. I will accept responsibility for my actions during all OYHA sponsored activities, including practices, scrimmages, games, tournaments, and/or out of town travel.
4. I will treat teammates, coaches, opponents, facilities, fans, referees, and the game of hockey with respect.
5. I will listen to, and respect the authority of, my coaches and officials.
6. I will refrain from swearing or using abusive language on the bench, in the locker room, in the arena, and/or at any team function.
7. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, fans, volunteers, and referees at every scrimmage and/or game.
8. I will respect decisions made by the officials. I acknowledge I cannot change a decision and recognize a negative reaction from me will reflect poorly on myself, my teammates, coaches, parents and/or community.
9. I will emphasize team success over individual accomplishments.
10. I will never use social media to make inappropriate or disrespectful comments or convey disregard towards others.
11. I will never throw my equipment.
12. I will take necessary safety precautions related not only to my physical and mental health, but the physical and mental health of others.
13. I will let parents and coaches know if I am not feeling well, if I am injured, or if I become injured during play.
14. I will practice and play games with energy and enthusiasm but always under control and within the rules and guidelines of fair play.
15. I will never engage in a reckless or dangerous manner and will not intentionally check from behind, kick, swing my stick, and/or attempt to injure participants in any way.
16. I will handle winning with class and losing with grace. I recognize a player’s true character is demonstrated by how I handle both success and adversity.
17. I will not verbally, physically, or mentally abuse other players, coaches, team managers, officials or parents nor will I encourage or support others that engage in such behavior. I will report inappropriate behavior to my coach or team manager.
18. I will not drink alcohol, smoke, chew tobacco, vape or use marijuana or any other illegal substance at the rink or any official team function, including overnight travel.
19. I will accept and support the following Official OYHA Attendance Policy:
a. It is expected that OYHA will be my primary commitment during the hockey season.
b. All practices, meetings, scrimmages, and games are considered mandatory unless excused or designated as optional by my coach. Excused absences include, but are not limited to, injury or illness, religious conflict, family emergency, and/or mandatory school activities/events.
c. Any conflict arising from participation in other sports/teams during the OYHA season will be considered an unexcused absence. This includes other club hockey teams. Players with unexcused absences can expect reduced playing time and/or suspension from games.
d. Commitments outside of OYHA are vital to my off-ice development and I will make the personal sacrifices necessary to honor these commitments with the understanding I will consistently meet all OYHA attendance expectations.
I have read the Player Code of Conduct and will abide by its standards. Any violation of the Player Code of Conduct may result in my suspension, removal and/or my registration being refused the following season. Coaches have the authority to administer discipline for my misconduct pursuant to the OHYA Disciplinary Guidelines.
Player Signature Date
Printed Name
Parent Signature Date
Printed Name